Friday, 24 September 2010

22/09/2010 - Day 20 of 63, Cycle 2 here we come!

Bit late in posting, but Wednesday was a bit of a long, rushing and racing day, and not the day to distract the nurses with "what's the wifi login".

So what happened well again they failed to get the bloomin' cannula in first time.  Perhaps I pressured the nurse with my descriptions of the last to bleos but he started and them mentioned (now often used) words "oh I've hit a junction, sorry...".  Anyway, I decided to lie down for the second attempt (no point risking it I thought) and he finally got that one in!

And then a long day of meds... finally finished at around 01:30, which was better than cycle 1's 03:30!!

For those of you that don't know, the first day of my 3 day cycle involved:

  1. 1 x Etoposide - 1 hour
  2. 2 x Cisplatin - 4 hours
  3. 1 x Saline - 4 hours
I went to bed around 23:00 (with 2+ hours of saline to go) couldn't sleep and had a very busy head (full of useful work thoughts).  Anyway by 01:30 I'd had enough so when the drip was removed I asked for a sleeping pill, never had one before - magic!  All I remember was thinking another work thought and then bang, morning!

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